Sunday, December 10, 2017

Celebrating You and Me!!!

Hello, families! 

Winter break is fast approaching. Everyone is excited to celebrate and be with family and friends. In our class, we continue to deepen our understanding of works and our friendships. This week, the students have been learning about celebrations from around the world. We have "traveled" the continents and are on going with our journey in learning customs and holidays. I showed the Continent Map presentation to the whole class. They also learned the song below. You can have your child teach you the song. Enjoy! 

Show me the continents, show me the continents
if you can.
North America, South America
Europe, Asia, Africa
Don't forget Australia!
Don't forget Antartica!
Show me the continents, show me the continents
if you can.

We celebrated Chichubu Festival (Japan). We had ramen and seaweed tasting during Sunset meeting to celebrate. We also learned about Hanukkah. We are lighting our Menorah daily and have a Dreidel work in our Practical Life area. We also have a Christmas tree decorating. In the next two weeks, we will be learning about St. Nicholas, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Las Posada and Lohri. If you would like to be a parent presenter (PLEASE!=)), email me as soon as possible so we can schedule a time for you to visit the class. The children are always excited to see parents help out in class. Thank you in advance.

This week, we visited the music wall installation in the Peace Garden. The children had such a great time. They were much delighted with the extra outdoor time as well. They climbed, balanced and ran! They also made a make shift see-saw and bench with the wood laying around. Creativity at its finest! This is one big observation I have been noticing- the children's creativity. They've taken initiative in making their own extensions of the lessons I have presented. So much processing and learning is going on!  Check out the pictures below on how the children have been extending the Pink cubes and Brown Prism works . I did not show they how to make these patterns! =)

Lastly, I want to thank everyone. I truly appreciate your support for our class. From the sharing basket, laundry and down to the purchase of the children's cards for PAWS and Lurie. I can't thank you enough for the trust and support you have given Ms. Castillo and I. Every suggestion and idea we have for the class is backed by parents who know that we love and care for their children. I'm so lucky to have all of you in our class.

Yay, Room 101!!!

Winter practicing focus with a scooping work

Natalie working on her teen numbers. 
Leslie with the Handwriting work.

Eliza rhymed by distinguishing the pictures that sound the same.

Nijel graded the knobbless cylinders.

Dylan and Charlie's Pink cubes and Brown Prisms connection.

"I'm making pink and purple patterns!" -Frances

Amelia tries to reach that hard-to-reach dirt.

Our class is getting ready for the Winter recital!

Making music with the Musical Wall at the Peace Garden.

"Bam! Bang! Bam!"

Have a seat with us.

Hello from up here!

Hay, there! =)

Zeia is loving the outdoor weather. 

Maya made it to the top of the tree!

Sasha and her friends helped with our compost bin.

Eliza and the 20 Board.

Garvit and Sasha sounded out CVC words with the Moveable Alphabet.

Teen Board, Maya and Charlie.

Ramen and seaweed during Sunset meeting.


Seaweed buddies: Nijel and Stefan.

Enjoying a warm December day!

Enjoying a warm December day!

Jena makes a post card to sell for PAWS Chicago and Lurie Hospital.

Xitlali getting the shelves sparkly clean.

Hello from Room 101!
Lighting our Menorah.

Kindergarteners during Reader's Workshop.

"It's like the Sear(ious) tower!" Hahaha!

Roy with the Dreidel work.

Charlie had all of the Knobbless Cylinders out.

Dylan arranges the Christmas tree.


Santi and the light table, a crowd favorite work.

We are building and working together in Room 101!

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