I hope that everyone is finding time to enjoy your families and getting some relaxation. I know after last school year, I had to unplug for a few weeks! =) It was such an important thing for me to refocus and reconnect with my children and husband.
Now that CPS has decided to start the SY 2020-2021 remotely, I am honestly feeling so overwhelmed with plans and ideas! I have so many questions on logistics, implementation and other things. I am mentally and physically sorting so many to do lists to better prepare for this school year. I'm sure you are all working on the same things to prepare.
I was on several virtual meetings and PD's today and something one of the speakers said resonated with me. "Don't aim for perfection, aim for commitment." These words inspired me today! I always want to do so many things to make it "perfect." This time, I am reminding myself that I am also a learner. I am going to give my very best- my commitment to our class that our students are in the center of this work. I know we will be starting virtually, but I'm planning on bringing more awareness and building relationships with our students- even more than ever!
I share your positive (and doubtful) feelings for the new school year ahead. I know it will be challenging for everyone. We have so many factors with family and work that we need to balance. We will be ok! Let's all work together to make the most of what we have ahead of us.
Ms. Guerrero
Here are some pictures of our remote learning last Spring. Please follow us on Instagram to see more of what we do in our class. @suder.montessori_101
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