Monday, December 16, 2019

Room 101 Lately...

What a whirlwind of events we have been having!!! I'm going to let all these pictures tell you how much fun and work we have in our class. I'm also going to post a separate entry on all of the holiday celebrations we learned this month.

Alexander and a sorting work

Ariana concentrated on completing the Snake Game

Haylie and Lea composed words with blends.

Thank you Mr. Alley for volunteering to lead a small group.

The North America Map

Reader's Workshop: Pointer Power!

Beautiful inventive spelling by Nijel.

Peanut Butter and Jelly partner reading

We watched a video on biomes.

Eye dropper liquid transfer

Tweezing work

Stefan and the multiplication with bead bars.

Chloe and the sweeping work

Syringe water transfer

Chloe and Olivia explored our ofrenda.

Delilah and the Baric tablets.

Estela's eyes are closed while she completes the Graded Touch Tablet work. Here she is practicing her Stereognostic sense

Lots of map making!!!

Pointer power!

More maps!

Nicholas and RJ worked on the Exchange game.

Addition Strip Board

Delilah and Madison

Also lots of work building using the Moveable Alphabet

Exchange game (Golden Bead materials)

Andy and the Constructive Triangles

Sorting work

Thank you, Kim for volunteering to lead a small group.

One of Oona's book pages on the desert biome.

Say, "Bowling!"

Sharon and her painting work
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Haylie made her own constructive triangles

Map making and watercoloring

What an accomplishment!

Falcon proudly showed off her matching work!

Our parents are awesome! Thank you, Cindy! and thank you to all of the other parents that volunteered their time!

Sofia and her big work on the life cycle of a butterfly!


Ethan and Nicholas with the Exchange game

Book making again!

Lea and the multiplication with bead bars

work time!

Telling time to the hour

Guided reading

Guided writing

We traveled all over North America! 

Knock, knock game with the Sandpaper letters.

The multiplication with bead bar presentation

Research presentation

Patterns are everywhere!

Our former classmate, Santi came to visit!

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