Monday, December 3, 2018

More Presentations, Please!

We are now in the second quarter of the school year! Can you believe it? Our students have been busy with new presentations. It's amazing to see how much they are involved and invested in their works. Last week, we had so many new presentations and representations. The children were re-inspired to choose works that they might have forgotten about. There were also so many new Practical Life works that was even exciting for me, as an adult to try out! =) I love how invigorating Montessori is! Look at all the beautiful things that went on in Room 101 last week:

Click on the links on Sensitive Period and Stereognostic sense found in the comments below.

Lea built a tower using our rainbow work.

Look at our peg people with "clothes on". This is a simple yet very engaging way to promote fine motor skills and practice the pincer grip.

Please welcome Nicholas to our classroom community!

Nicholas is soon to be an expert in rug rolling!

Sebastian, Stefan and Haylie were busy creating their Sounds Booklet.

We explored new ways to use the 10 frame.

Some of our blue group friends practicing the Fetch Game (decimal system work).

Julieta and Stefan played the knock, knock game with Sound box 2.

Nijel and Amelia played the knock, knock game, too!

Mark Anthony and Sophia worked on making sets with the Decanomial Box (introduction to multiplication).

Maddox and Tyler made sentences and practice writing sight words correctly using their sight word chart.

Roy and Tyler reviewed sight words using this sight word dice game, while they created sentences.


Ms. Castillo worked with a small group with the Bead Stair.

Sophia documented her addition equations.

Amelia and the Sound Box 1.

Haylie and the Bead Stair work.

Lea matched initial sounds with pictures.

Maya and Nicholas walked safely to put away the Red and Blue Rods when they were done working on it.

Stefan and Nijel with the Sound Box 1.

Mark Anthony and Solomon exchanged 10 hundreds with a thousand using the Exchange game.

Stefan and Sebastian played the Fetch game.

Winter and Maya made a school scene with our blocks and peg people.

Carlos matched adult and baby animals. We also discussed whether these animals migrate or not. (our current unit).

Frances grinding spices (star anise).

Lea explored shapes with the geo board.

Roy and the Fraction Skittles.

Tyler counted the square of 5 using the Bead Chains.

Santi and the 20 Board. He repeats this work several times daily. According to Montessori, this is an example of the child's Sensitive Period.

Ethan and the Art Easel.

I presented the Graded Touch Tablets. We practiced using our "hands to see"- the stereognostic sense.

Hmm... Is this heavy or light?

Ethan tried the Baric Tablets.

Here's another Stereognostic activity: The Mystery Box.

Santi and the Ten Board.

Maya counted the square of 7 using the 7 bead chain.

Loving the concentration.

Nijel and James discussed the Bead Stair.

Olivia and the Geo Board.

Maddox and the square of 5.

We are creative and imaginative!

Maya and Winter worked on the Noun work! They did the work exactly how I showed them. =)  "Maya, please give me the ______! Oh, I need to name it. Please give me the tomato!"

Maya made a Noun book after working with Winter.

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