Friday, February 9, 2018

Snow Welcomes the Third Quarter

Happy Snow day, everyone! I hope you are all warm and comfy.

The last week  was full of one on one conversations with your children. I had formally assessed each child to see their growth. Although sometimes it may seem "scary" to be tested on "what you know", I used this opportunity to also check in with my students. The conversations we had were brief but each child had something they wanted to share. It might have been about a sleepover with a friend or getting picked up by grandma at dismissal. It was nice listening to their stories!

Looking ahead, next week will be super busy! We have several celebrations in line. Valentine's Day, 100th Day of school and Chinese New Year! Get ready for an overload of pictures. =) Let me know if you would like to volunteer making "100" headbands or Chinese lanterns. We would need assistance between 10:00-11:30 during work time. If you can't make it, please consider purchasing some of the materials we will need. It is posted in our Amazon Wish List. Thank you in advance!

Also, we are beginning our unit for Black History Month! Check out my newly purchased collection of book for this unit! Do you have any book recommendations for Black History Month? Would you like to come read to our class? Please reach out to me if you are interested.

To end our Hibernation-Migration-Adaptation unit, we chose a bear breathing exercise during our Silence and Mindfulness activity time. Ask you child to show you how! =) 

Here's another video of us reviewing the 3 Cares (yourself, others and environment). We used the children's daily pictures to sort and discuss where the pictures (their actions) fit within the 3 Cares. We can't wait to share the book we made for this activity with you!

There's more! Last week, I was email by They said they enjoyed our blog and thought to share some paper extensions with us(All I could think of was, "Wow, someone besides my classroom families read our blog! Yay!")  Please consider visiting their site. They have a variety of extensions in different subject areas.

" aims to empower parents, teachers, and homeschoolers to help their children build essential skills and excel. With over 12 million members, provides educators of all kinds with high-quality learning resources, including worksheets, lesson plans, digital games, an online guided learning platform, and more." Find more worksheets, activities, and games at

Here's a peek in our classroom. Enjoy!

... admiring our classroom timeline

Ms. Castillo interviewed Cameron about the 3 Cares pictures he sorted.

Garvit practiced his weaving skills.

Stefan chose the correct key to open varying locks.

Frances explored the world through the Continent Map work.

Charlie shared his Water Calligraphy work and gave his classmates a presentation.

Zoe punched took lots of time and focus to punch out this heart.

Amelia comparing weight using the Baric Tablet work.

Julieta gave the Sewing work her full attention.

Ibrahim completed 3 equations all by himself!

Sophia R. created a water color version of the Continent Map.

Zoe was inspired with Sophia R.'s work and chose to make a North American one.

Daniel and the Parts of a Horse work.

Focused and concentrated

Roy matched different sounds using the Sound Cylinders.

Kindergarteners sharing their stories to their Peanut Butter partner during Writer's Workshop.

Kindergarteners sharing their stories to their Peanut Butter partner during Writer's Workshop.

Kindergarteners sharing their stories to their Peanut Butter partner during Writer's Workshop.

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