Monday, January 22, 2018

Making Great Strides

Hello, Room 101 families-

The first 2 weeks back from Winter break are done! Everything is happening so quickly and continues to be an exciting journey for all of us in the classroom. The students are making good progress ranging from work cycle completion to addition to the 1000's! The children are working towards what challenges them. Their efforts are evident in their ability in gaining initiative to choose works that will help them learn.

The second quarter of the year is coming to an end and I am looking back to when we first started this school year. Your children have grown independently in class. Some embraced more responsibility, some are awesome teachers and role models. Each child, your child has contributed to our community in his/her special way. We will continue to move on forward. Go, Room 101!

I would like to officially say goodbye to Dylan! He moved to Florida with his family during the Winter break. Before he left, we got to celebrate him and wish him well. Dylan promises to come visit our class when he is in town. Good luck to you, Dylan!

We wish you well, Dylan! 

It has been challenging to schedule an in-person drop off of our donation to PAWS and Lurie. I have been working with some students to meet on the weekend to present our donation. However, it hasn't been possible. I wanted the lesson to come full circle with (at least) some of the students being able to hand the donation in. Due to logistical challenges, I will just write a check to them, print out their thank you email and report back to the children. They will know that they made an impact to others and that their efforts helped other people (and animals =)).  Thank you again for your support.

See you at school!


                                                                                    Ms. Guerrero

We are here! =)

Frances & the Boot Scrubbing work

Sasha is making a winter scene with Marble Painting

Napkin Folding

Winter made a Sound Book of Sound Box #1

The 50 Board and Natalie

Santi was busy rhyming

Another Rhyming work done by Charlie and Eliza

Sound Books are made daily.

Zoe with a 100 Board Extension (Make your own 100 Board Puzzle)

Look at us work!

This is how we work.

Stefan honing his hand-eye coordination with Eye Dropper Water Transfer

Audrey and Zoe with the Moveable Alphabet (Sequencing a Story)

Sophia and the Decanomial Box (Introduction to Multiplication with Bead Bars) 

Cameron and a 100 Board Extension (Counting by 5's)

Cameron making connections with the Constructive Triangles

Noah is sequencing a story with the Moveable Alphabet

Julieta beamed with happiness sharing her masterpiece.

"t is 9:30, according to Zoe.

Ms. Castillo showing Sophia A. the Spindle Box

Jena made bubbles while building her hand-eye coordination.

Ibrahim reading independently while making sure he reads each word.

Roy is concentrated in his painting work.

Look at Frances' cutting strip perfection! =)

Self-portrait by Stefan

Zoe and the Decanomial Box (Making sets of 6)

Eliza and Charlie collaborated to complete this matching work.

Sophia R. worked to complete the Trinomial Cube.

Santi enjoyed our class recipe book in the Library Corner.

Daniel completes the 100 Board by counting by 5's.

Ivan and his folding skills.

Kindergarteners and the classical presentation of the Banker's Game-static addition.

Amelia and the Storytelling Basket.

Sebastian drew and dictated his story as well. 
Jena and the Sandpaper Numbers with Objects

Maya (50 Board) and Daniel (Moveable Alphabet) worked alongside each other.

Julieta and the Sweeping work

Open-ended Storytelling Basket and Eliza.

Ivan matched pictures that go together.

Sophia A. drew a self-portrait and practiced writing her name using her name tag.

Sophia A. and Sound Box #1.

More story writing from Sasha.

Nijel concentrated with the Funnel work. No spills!

Frances enjoyed the (temporary =)) quietness of the Library corner.

Working and having fun!

Zoe watched Eliza complete writing the 20 Board.

Winter showed Sophia A. how to make her own Sound Book.

Winter and the Shaving cream work.

Jena reviewed the Parts of the Horse work.

Garvit making his CVC work book.

We are adding to the 1000's!

Natalie challenged herself with the 100 Board.

Ibrahim and the Decanomial Box (by 5's).

Noah practicing reading fluency.

Sasha and the Banker's Game (Fetch Game).

Working together is always fun.

Daniel composed numbers to the 1000's.

Zoe made a sentence using the Moveable Alphabet and wrote it down on paper after.

A farmer from Michigan gave a presentation about the Apple Tree and its life cycle.

Ms. Castillo and Amelia with Sound Box #1.

Sophia R. reviewed the parts of the tree and labeled them.

Nijel painting a beautiful picture.

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