Sunday, December 3, 2017

Field Trip to Outer Space

Last week, we had a field trip at the Adler Planetarium. The children had a blast! (pun intended) =) Everyone had a chance to explore and tinker around with rockets, space crafts and the solar system. Check out some pictures below:

Stefan, Roy and Daniel posed in front of the Earth model.

Everyone was focused on building the best rocket.

Most of the Suder EC students under the stars.

Testing out their hover craft design.

Planning stage


Will this work?

I think I got it!

Building space crafts with Legos.

Zoe showed off her creation.

Room 101 is on the moon!

Room 101 is on the moon!

Rockets galore =)

Now, back on Earth... Jena worked on Letter-Sound correspondence, Julieta on the Gluing and Niel on the Cutting work.

Natalie and the Moveable Alphabet. 
Cameron worked on the Red and Blue Rods.

Sasha with the Introduction to the Decimal System.

Dylan concentrated on Watercolor Artwork making.

Zoe loves the Observational Art work.

Ibrahim composed numbers to the 1000's!

Parents volunteered to help the class with the cinnamon ornaments.

Frances and Charlie worked on their observational art.

Isabella and her watercolor work.

Roy made the connection between the Pink Cubes and Brown Prisms.

Cameron explored different blends.
Mixed-aged collaboration happening daily in Room 101!

Xitlali and Sasha making words with the Moveable Alphabet.

Sophia R. and Noah worked on the Continent Map using different mediums to make the continents.
(S-Markers and N-Punching watercolor paper)
Day 2 for Noah's Continent Map (so much patience and concentration involved)
Day 3 is the completion day! Noah painted his continents while Frances and Winter observed. Here's another mixed-age picture I enjoyed this week.

Garvit completing the 50 Board.

Sophia A. and Jena tracing and quantifying numbers.

An almost completed 100 Board by Cameron and Dylan.

Maya and Saha showed lots of interest on the Intro Tray (to the Decimal System).

Frances sorted magnetic and non-magnetic objects while Ivan observed.

Amelia measured and poured the lentils for our soup last Friday. (Noah learned the whole process while observing his 3-year old friend.)

Finding patterns...

Ibrahim with the Word Eggs and Cameron reading the Fluency Binder.

Zoe added the numerals to the Montessori Clock

Kindergarteners made Cranberry Bread to serve at Sunset Meeting.

What a great week! I truly enjoy taking pictures of the children during the school day. I get to relive some of the work and play we have in our class. This week, I noticed a lot of opportunities on mixed-aged observation and learning.  The older child is reinforcing their mastered skill, while giving the other child a presentation. What a beautiful thing to see in action!  You can read about the importance of mixed-age groups here and here.

We have also been discussing and reading about what it is to be a giving and sharing person. Room 101 is planning something for next week... Stay tuned. Watch us turn and talk about this.

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