Monday, November 27, 2017

We are Involved and Engaged in Room 101.

Hello, everyone-

The last 2 weeks have been full of color and excitement! It was Ms. Castillo's first week back from maternity leave and the children are all glad she is back. Ms. Castillo also met our new students. All of them are definitely excited to work with each other.

Thank you families for a successful Parent-Teacher Conferences last Wednesday. There were a lot of discussion on student progress and growth. It was a chance to be able to also get to know you and more of your goals for your child. I know we had a short period of time to talk about so many important stuff. Please let me know if you need more time to discuss or clarify some of the points we addressed. I am available through email and the Remind App for scheduling. Our classroom is open to you and I hope you find this blog as a valuable peek into your child's time at school. 

Our class continues to move forward practicing new and old skills. Overall, they have been working hard in so many things ranging from goal setting to community building. Check out some pictures of our works.

See you at school!

Reaching high!!!

Watercolor work

Easel Painting
Art works drying on the rack.

 (Jena) Shelf cleaning = Care for the environment

Charlie cleaned the Art shelves.

Xitlali was proud to have completed the 20 Board!

Audrey and the Blends Box.

Kindergarten Independent Reading Time

Zoe and her pastel pumpkin art work

Eliza and Charlie discussed the Season work.


Stefan and the Corn Tweezing work.
Ivan focused on using the tweezers.

Zoe wrote her equation using the Red and Blue Rods.

Nijel and Santi collaborated on matching animals.

Kindergarten Time!

Audrey completed the 100 Board with the paper extension.

Winter showed concentration while tracing her name.
Winter showing off her Name Tracing work.

Nijel and the Number Rings.

Frances cleaned the Math area.

Sophia R. practiced her fine motor skills using the Turkey Clipping work.

Ivan consciously checked his movement in the mirror while spirilizing veggies.

Sophia A. practiced the Alphabet Chart

Audrey and Cameron worked on the Exchange Game.

Daniel and the 45 Layout.

Practical Life water works are some of the most popular works in Room 101!

Zeia spirilized a whole zucchini!

Sophia A. and Xitlali busy with their contributions to our soup preparation.

The children explored and tasted new textures and flavors.

Friday Soup day is a favorite!

See you next weeK!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Room 101 Lately

Hello, Room 101 families!

I am so glad to be back on the blog. I am sorry, school and home life got too busy the last few days. So many things had happened in the classroom. Our class has been working extra hard in fulfilling our school values: care for yourself, others and the environment. As a class, we have been having a lot of whole group conversations on how to be nice to each other. The children are practicing how to see others' perspective and empathy. They are honing their abilities in noticing that being kind to others feels good and contributes to our positive well being in the classroom. You can support us on this by helping your child become his/her own problem solver. Ask your child questions like:

  • "What can you do to make it better?"
  • "What can you do next time this happens?"
  • "Would you like it if someone ______ you? The other person feels the same way."
For conflict resolution, we are also practicing language to help the children express their feelings. In the classroom we say, "It bugs me when _____. I wish you would _____." We also discuss giving and accepting apology. Children sometimes say sorry too quickly and the apology loses its value. At the Peace Table, we facilitate meaningful apologies by making sure the child who hurt someone's feelings knows how it felt for the other person (perspective taking). This is when he/she decides how to make his/her friend feel better. The child first make sure that the other person is ok and then proceeds to apologize. It could sound like this: "I am sorry I made you feel ____. What can I do to make you feel better?" The children decide if they want a hug, high five or give a hand shake.

We also had so many happenings in the past weeks. Suder had the EC Harvest Fest. Even though we had to change our plan from the Peace Garden to the EC hallway due to rain, the event was a complete success! We felt our EC community come together while we all shared our food, games and each others' company. 

The kindergarteners also had their first walking field trip to the Manning library. On our way there, we practiced safety while walking on the sidewalk to crossing the street. The Taste of Suder was also a good time! There were so many families that supported the event. I saw a variety of beautiful costumes representing Suder's diverse culture.

Mr. Nick is out of town and we are wishing for his return back in Room 101. He has been a great contributor to the success of our classroom's first quarter. He is a great collaborator who truly cares and love our students. 

Ms. Castillo will be back from her maternity leave next week! Yay! We are eagerly waiting for her arrival. I can't wait for our new students to meet her. 

See you at school! =)